Imbolc: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Harness Its Healing Power
Ashley Tanzosh Ashley Tanzosh

Imbolc: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Harness Its Healing Power

As we follow the turning of the Wheel through the depths of winter we approach the threshold of Imbolc, the second winter sabbat on the Celtic Wheel of the Year celebrated on February 1st, 2024.

Imbolc holds profound significance for aligning with the natural seasons. Imbolc is the mark of midwinter, and the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Ostara, the first day of spring. Imbolc tradition begins the journey back to the light after the darkness of winter and highlights the power of liminal spaces where transition takes root.

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New Year, New Me Vs Winter’s Slumber
Ashley Tanzosh Ashley Tanzosh

New Year, New Me Vs Winter’s Slumber

As we enter a new year, the air is crisp, the sky dreary, and if you’re lucky, a blanket of snow covers the ground. Earth’s rhythms are inviting stillness, yet society’s current mantra of “New Year, New Me” is trying to beckon. Over the years, this new year frenzy has less and less appeal.

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Embracing the Liminal: Harnessing Magick in November
Ashley Tanzosh Ashley Tanzosh

Embracing the Liminal: Harnessing Magick in November

As the veil thins between realms and the chilly wind whispers it's secrets, magick fills the air during the liminal space between Samhain and Yule.

November, often overlooked during the holiday season, holds a unique energy that can be harnessed by the mystic to deepen their spiritual practice and explore the mysteries of the Unseen.

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Ritual and the Wheel of the Year
Ashley Tanzosh Ashley Tanzosh

Ritual and the Wheel of the Year

Rituals are a fundamental part of our mystical experience. They connect us to nature, to the cycles of life, and to something greater than ourselves. We can do ritual almost anywhere, and it doesn’t have to be an intricate process. With that being said, the Wheel of the Year (WOTY) can inform our daily ritual practices, and enhance our connection with nature, it’s season, and our own inner Wheel.

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The Wheel of the Year: A Metaphor for Personal Journeys
Ashley Tanzosh Ashley Tanzosh

The Wheel of the Year: A Metaphor for Personal Journeys

The Wheel of the Year, a concept deeply ingrained in pagan and Celtic traditions, is not simply a way to mark the turning of seasons and celebrate festivals. It carries a profound metaphorical significance that extends beyond the physical realm, mirroring our personal journeys spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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The Wheel of the Year: An Ancient Cycle of Festivals

The Wheel of the Year: An Ancient Cycle of Festivals

The Wheel of the Year is a cyclical framework that divides the year into eight important festivals or sabbats. Rooted in ancient pagan and agricultural traditions, this mystical calendar reflects the ever-changing seasons and the spiritual significance that accompanies each phase. Let us delve into the eight sabbats and their themes, which continue to resonate with modern mystics worldwide.

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